Equity in Architecture (EIA)


As a committee of AIA Kansas City, Equity in Architecture identifies its “A.C.E.” goals to Advocate, Connect, and Educate membership to improve industry awareness and success on issues around diversity, inclusion, and equitable practice.

Equity In Architecture: Featured Spotlight


221109-AvaPhoto.jpgName: Ava Amirahmadi

Educational Background: Columbia University, B.A., Yale University, M.Arch.

Firm Name: International Architects Atelier

Years of Experience: 9 years

Leadership Roles and Involvement: AIA

What inspired you to become an architect?
My parents. I had the privilege of growing up in the architecture world with both my parents being architects and firm leaders. Visiting their office was always inspiring and exciting – seeing the models and drawings around the office. Family vacations were spent visiting and taking photos of buildings, which at first, I found boring, but as I grew older, I learned to see the world they did: to understand how architecture and the built environment can create beauty as well as shape important spaces for communities.

How have you engaged in equity in architecture and in the profession?
Equity in the architectural profession has been a priority throughout my educational and professional careers. In graduate school, I was a part of our EID Group which would bring minority and women guest lecturers to speak at the school to encourage students to see themselves in the profession. This commitment has continued into my professional career by being a part of the DEI committees at my current and previous two firms. I have worked to shape policies within my firms to help our teams feel better seen and supported.

Has your background regarding ethnicity, gender, or other characteristics that enhance our diversity influenced your career? How have you influenced or been influenced by diversity and equity throughout your career?
As a minority, female architect, I am always aware of the diversity make-up of the spaces I am in, and I have been (unsurprisingly) disappointed by the lack of diversity in many of the architecture and design spaces I’ve been in. This regular recognition has been the driving force behind my motivation to build a profession that is more inclusive and welcoming to all. We build the spaces that the public inhabits, and the people designing those spaces should reflect those communities.

How have you influenced or been influenced by diversity and equity throughout your career?
My parents are both minorities and have managed a minority and women-owned architecture firm for thirty-five years. I have been inspired by everything they have worked toward and have achieved throughout their impressive careers. I remember every story my mom has told me about being the only woman in the room, and the struggles of receiving the same level of respect throughout her career. My focus in my career is to build upon everything they have achieved and push the profession toward celebrating women and minorities, instead of isolating them.

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