Young Architects Forum (YAF)

YAF trivia Corbusier good.jpegYoung Architects Forum (YAF) Kansas City is a committee of AIA Kansas City and is dedicated to connecting emerging architectural professionals, developing the next generation of design leaders, and raising an awareness of the value of high quality design in our built environment. We seek to support and encourage young professionals in the field of architecture to obtain their license, become involved with career development and leadership opportunities, and engage allied professionals through collaboration. Although membership in the AIA is not required to participate in YAF programs, we encourage you to become a member of AIA Kansas City to take advantage of the full range of resources provided to the profession.

We continuously seek out new and fresh ideas and the energy and resources to implement them, and have fun doing it. You don’t have to be young or an architect to be a part of this group! Join us at our next event to build your local professional network, make friends and become engaged in our local community.



Monsters of Design: Award Winners

YAF is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 Monsters of Design Awards.

LPD Board (1) (3).jpgCongratulations to first place winner Leslie Ponce-Diaz, Graduate Student, Harvard GSD - Project Title: Rasquachismo.

2023 YAF MoD__Tianyi Han (1).jpgThe second place winner Tianyi Han, Associate at DRAW Architecture + Urban Design - Project Title: Weik Hill.

The Two MoD winners were shown alongside exhibiting artists at Plug Gallery from between September 29th and October 6th. Thank you to everyone that made it out and showed support!


Committee Co-Chairs

Micaela Lopez, Associate AIA
Emily Zahner, Associate AIA

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