AIA Kansas City wants to proactively support professionals seeking licensure. The task of passing all of the divisions of the ARE can be daunting for young professionals and candidates face many challenges in preparing for and passing the exam:
AIA Kansas City believes our ARE Success Teams will help future architects overcome these challenges through a supportive, small group setting. Our goal is to supply free access to study materials, meeting space, administrative support, and subsidized preparatory workshops—providing candidates with the tools and support they need to make the ARE manageable and attainable.
Each ARE Success Team will be composed of six to eight Associate members. Team members will initially sign an agreement committing to taking the divisions in the same order and on the same schedule as the other group members within a 12 month period. They will also agree to meet at least once prior to each exam to share tips, exchange information, offer support, and commiserate with colleagues.
Each participant in the group will pass the ARE and become one step closer to becoming a licensed architect. Everyone in the group will continue to offer support to group members until every member of the group passes all divisions.
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