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3435 Main

3435 Main is the first multi-story residential project that utilizes comprehensive pre-manufactured construction in the region. Four stories of pre-manufactured residential “modules” were constructed and finished off site, then shipped to the site and placed one-by-one on a cast-in-place concrete plinth. A transit-oriented mixed-use development designed for a new generation of urban dwellers in midtown Kansas City, 3435 Main is located within walking distance of 10 bus stops and closely connected to a vital mix of small businesses and restaurants, including its own street-facing commercial space. Main Street hosts the initial phase of a new streetcar system that will soon extend past the 80-unit development. 

Typically reserved for the industrial sector or small-scale utilitarian projects, creating a contemporary mixed-use residential project from modular pre-fab construction was an exercise in intensive collaboration between architect, contractor, engineers, and pre-fab manufacturer, pushing the industry to think about pre-fab in a highly-advanced way.

Award Name

Architecture Large: Honor


Silliman Group, LLC


Kansas City, MO

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