
November 15, 2023

AIA Chapter Events > Continuing Education Register

Nooniversity: What Lurks Beneath the Surface?

12:00 PM
Center for Architecture & Design | 1801 McGee St, Ste 100 Kansas City, MO 64108 Map

This program is being offered as a hybrid program.  You may attend either in person or on Zoom.

Many of us have experienced visiting the emergency room with a broken arm or leg. Doctors needed to know the extent of an injury before repairing it, so your first step was likely getting an x-ray with a radiologist.

When it comes to site characterization, geophysical methods are the proverbial radiologists, using non-invasive methods to provide enough subsurface data to reduce the need to drill boreholes or excavation test pits, which can help minimize potential environmental impacts. Understanding what lies below the surface before breaking ground can save significant costs to a project.

Geophysics As a Tool to Reduce Risk

Geophysics doesn’t replace traditional exploration methods. Instead, it provides targets for these methods, connecting the dots between borings and test pits and reducing the risk of construction delays. Geophysics is an asset on high-risk sites (detecting soft soils, voids or buried objects), large or inaccessible sites (accessing steep slopes or examining wooded areas where tree removal isn’t allowed), and locating objects to drill or excavate, such as buried foundations.

In this presentation Terracon will preview three broad groups of geophysical methods that can be utilized for site characterization, including:

Electromagnetic (EM)

-EM induction, ground penetrating radar (GPR)

Electrical Resistivity

-Electrical resistivity imaging


-ReMi, MASW, S-Wave, P-Wave

This program is worth 1 LU  Lunch will be provided for this who attend in person.  For those who attend on Zoom, you must attend the full session in order to get AIA credit.  If you leave the Zoom meeting early, no credit will be reported. 



AIA KC Member In Person - free
AIA KC Member Zoom - free
Cornerstone Partner In Person - free
Cornerstone Partner Zoom - free
Non Member In Person - $25.00
Non Member Zoom - $25.00
Professional Affiliate In Person - free
Professional Affiliate Zoom - free


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